Hilverda De Boer is active in
About Hilverda De Boer
Hilverda De Boer is an exporter specialising in high-quality flowers, plants, and cut greens. Wholesalers, florist chains, and event organisers worldwide can place orders directly here via the webshop or app or by contacting the sales team. Hilverda De Boer offers a wide range of flowers in all colours and sizes. The flowers are always transported cooled to maintain quality during transport. Hilverda De Boer is based in Aalsmeer and delivers to approximately 60 countries worldwide.

FM Group
Hilverda De Boer and FM Group merged in 2022. FM Group is a leading platform in the flowers and plants sector. FM Group brings together growers, wholesalers and florists from around the world. By implementing the latest innovations and technologies and investing in sustainability, FM Group adds value for customers and partners.

Partnership with Marginpar
Hilverda De Boer is especially strong in markets such as the United States and Scandinavia and collaborates with an extensive network of growers worldwide, including Marginpar. Marginpar delivers a fresh package of summer flowers several times a week that are well-suited to the American and Scandinavian markets.