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The Clematis Amazing® range consists of 12 different varieties of cut clematis. White, pink, purple, blue, bright, pastel and with one to six flowers per stem. All are 'amazing' but not all are equally well-known. To introduce florists to the range we started, together with Fleurametz, a special Clematis So Amazing Flower Box containing four varieties of clematis: the cheerful pink Kyiv, the playful Rome, the fluffy Kibo and the big lilac London. The box is currently only available for the German market.

Clematis So Amazing mix flower box

A special Clematis So Amazing Guide (in German) with all the information and inspiration about the Clematis range is temporarily included in the box.

Clematis So Amazing Guide
Clematis Amazing® London

Clematis Amazing® London

If you want to make an impression, use Clematis Amazing® London! London has one of the biggest flower of all Amazing® varieties. While most varieties have several flowers per stem, London is produced with just one top flower. That allows the plant to focus all her strength and energy in one single bud. Bam! A true diva in any bouquet.

Clematis Amazing® Kyiv

Introduced as the second member of the Clematis Amazing® family and the first pink variety within the series. She is a joy to work with. Kyiv creates instant happiness with her vivid pink tones and playful personality.

Clematis Amazing® Kyiv
Clematis Amazing® Kibo

Clematis Amazing® Kibo

Well this is a weird, fluffy variety, isn’t? The Clematis Amazing® Kibo is not grown for its beautiful flowers, but for the seed head! This cuddly specimen is named after Kibo, one of the peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. The Clematis Amazing® Kibo grows at the foot of this very same mountain. Kibo is great fresh but is an interesting dried flower as well. Dried, the fuzziness factor multiplies times 4.

Clematis Amazing® Rome

The Clematis Amazing® Rome is a universal flower friend. She works well with vivid tones, with pastel shades, in romantic bouquets and as accent flower. You can use Rome any time, in any situation.

Clematis Amazing® Rome