lorists are often creative individuals, people with a passion for what they do, constantly seeking renewal and wonder. Geertje Stienstra, a talented Dutch florist, is one such person. And the best part is that Geertje loves to share her knowledge. Her daily work includes giving demonstrations, workshops, and lessons at schools. She also engages in creative projects like the cover shoot for our magazine, which she co-designed with the award-winning photographer Reiny Bourgonje.
Creative synergy
Geertje, born in 1979, thrives on variety in her work - different locations, diverse assignments - she embraces it all with enthusiasm. Her collaboration with Reiny exemplifies creative synergy. The two crossed paths when Geertje was impressed by Reiny’s work in store displays. After a message from Geertje, Reiny was immediately eager to explore floral art together, and their first shoot in 2020 left them craving more. The follow-up, the shoot for our magazine, once again, resulted in a splendid masterpiece.

Where to begin?
“I start with the briefing, look at the models, and consider which colours and materials I want to use. These three elements must complement each other”, says Geertje. The starting point was the models’ hair colour. “Reiny had selected two gorgeous red-haired models. The flowers had to match their hair. I immediately thought of the large white Clematis (Amazing® Vienna) and the rust-coloured Talinum (Long John). I didn’t want loud shades; everything had to be in harmony. The light Scabiosa (Bon Bon Scoop™ French Vanilla) also fit perfectly. The only one with a different colour is the lilac Clematis (Amazing® Miami), but oh, it looks stunning.”

The foundation
Although unseen, the foundation of these arrangements is of great importance. Geertje explains, “The base of these pieces consists of thick wire and insulation material - that grey stuff typically used around electrical pipes. This material is soft and allows you to clamp and tape things around it.” Over this base, Geertje places flowers and paper, both securely glued; no water is involved.
Personal style
Paper is a recurring element in Geertje’s designs; she enjoys working with natural materials and organic shapes. “I believe it’s important that my work exudes tranquillity. I often work with mixed materials. For instance, I use paper to revamp an old pot or create surprising surfaces. You can do a lot with it - thread, glue, tear, shape. And it effortlessly matches any flower colour.” Geertje imparts this technique and many others during her workshops. “The most important thing I want my students to learn is to develop their own style."
”A florist is like an artist; the floral arrangements are masterpieces.
Some students may initially find it challenging, but Geertje reassures them, saying, “I couldn’t do it either in the beginning, but now something always pops up in my head. It takes time to grow, to evolve. And by the end of the lesson, they already have something they’re proud of. And so am I.”

Passion for teaching
Geertje thoroughly enjoys teaching, but she also views it as necessary. “There is a glaring shortage of florists. To address this, you need to get people excited about the profession, and that starts from the foundation. And I know, being a florist is hard work; it has to be your true passion.”
Learn more about Geertje:
Instagram: @geertjestienstra
Website: www.geertjestienstra.nl
Learn more about Reiny?
Instagram: @reiny.bourgonje.photography
Website: www.reinybourgonjefotografie.nl